How To Start
Running At Night
Have you ever tried running at night? If not, you have no
idea what you're missing. It's cooler, quieter and you'll feel less conspicuous when running in the
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Sometimes it can be very difficult to fit in your sessions
throughout the day time when you have to juggle work, family and social life, you occasionally have no other choice
but to run in the dark.
Unfortunately once you start running at night,
there is a need to be a little more careful. On
the one hand you need to try to run where there is a certain amount of life, a brightly lit area, with other
people around to ensure your safety from others, but on the other hand, the extra traffic in these places
means that you might be at a greater risk from cars and other types of vehicles.
Here are some safety tips to follow when running at night to
ensure that you make it through your runs without incident or accident.
Running At Night, Running Tip
Always Run Facing Oncoming Traffic
When you first start running at night, you need to run on
the side of the street that faces oncoming traffic. Doing this helps you to see vehicles heading
towards you, making it much easier and safer to keep away from them.
Running in the dark is always much harder because of poor
visibility levels due to the glare of headlamps and overhead street lighting. For this reason you should only
select routes that have sidewalks or purpose built walkways. Don't use very busy roads to run on after
It's also very important to be alert to other potential road users
such as cyclists and fellow runners, so don't just use the noise of a car as your only warning of advancing
Running At
Night, Running Tip #2
Be Safe, Be Seen
Ideally the types of clothing you wear when you start running
at night should be of a lighter fabric.
White, yellow or orange
clothing tends to be easier to see at night and better still, luminous or reflective materials
fastened to or worn over clothing like arm bands, reflective hat badges and sashes all help to get you
Generally speaking you need to make yourself as noticeable as
possible. Simply wearing running shoes with reflective sections on them, might not be enough to get you fully
noticed by other road users.
Running At
Night, Running Tip #3
Means of Contact
Everyone who runs should keep a mobile phone with them, even if
they run only in the daytime. You might pick up an injury and be unable to continue, you may get lost or too
exhausted to carry on or you may even witness an accident or crime etc. These are all very good reasons for
carrying a phone with you when running at night.
Another idea is to keep some form of identification with you.
A driver's license will do.
You can save this easily in your pocket or in a hip
For your own safety, try to mix up the days and times you go
out running, otherwise this can make you a target to would be assailants. Whilst this rarely actually
happens, however, it is best to be aware of these precautions.
Running At
Night, Running Tip #4
Run With Others
You can run on your own at anytime, but sometimes it can
be very motivational and safer to run with others, either a running club or a
As an alternative to this, why not start running with a dog, your
own or one borrowed from someone else. The dog will love it and you may be saving your friend or neighbour
having to go out to walk it themselves.
If you do decide to start running at night, you'll find
it can be a wonderful experience, a good opportunity to unwind following a hard day’s work, or escape from
the family for a while.
Whatever reason you do it for, take reasonable precautions
for your own safety.
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