Running Tips - 5 Easy Running Tips
for Beginners
If you plan to start running sometime soon, it’s going to be a huge
advantage for you to learn all you can about how to do it properly and how you can progress quickly and safely.
This collection of running tips should give you some great ideas to get you moving forwards to begin
Running Tips #1 – No Time to Run
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This is possibly one of the most common problems faced by anyone wanting to
exercise who hasn’t previously done so. However, even the busiest amongst us can find 20 minutes here and there,
two or three times a week. But if you’re really struggling to do this, get out of bed 20
minutes earlier in the morning and run then. You’ll feel great at work knowing you’ve already done your
exercise for the day.
Running Tips #2 – 2 for 1
Lack of time is a problem for most people, so this running tip
should be a great help to anyone who works close enough to where they live to be able to run back home from work at
the end of the day. If you do this 3 times a week, not only are you saving petrol or bus fares, but you’re also
combining two tasks in one. Getting home and doing your run.
Running Tips #3 - No Motivation on Your Own
This is one of the easiest running tips there is – simply join a running
club. There are loads of them around and their members tend to be a friendly bunch, with similar interests
to you – running. They usually have beginners groups and there will always be someone around to motivate you. Also
you’ll have a set time to run each week, which makes it easier to commit to and finally because you’ll be
running with a group of other runners, you’ll be much safer.
Running Tips #4 – Dipping Your Toe in the Water
As a beginner, two things usually come up as reasons for not getting
Firstly, ‘will I be able to do it’ and secondly ‘I’ll be embarrassed running
outdoors where people might see me red faced, out of breath and struggling along’. An easy running tip to get
around this problem is to start by using a treadmill, either at home or a local gym. Once you’ve
built up the confidence and fitness indoors, then you can start running outside.
Running Tips #5 – A Target to Aim For
We all need goals and a direction to head
in, so why not give yourself a great end goal by entering a 5k race. They can usually be completed by
beginners in around 30 – 40 minutes, so training to do one means you aren’t going have to run for hours at a time.
Don’t just think about it though, actually book a place and get some sponsors straight away if
you’re going down the charity route. Doing this will ensure you stay motivated and remain dedicated to your
Click here to read the rest of these running tips....
If you’d like to learn more advanced techniques to increase your speed, then ‘How to Start
Running' is a perfect choice. It’s a running guide for beginner
runners who want to improve their performance and follow a ‘proven’ road map to
Click here to find out more – Running for